Get lost!" — I shouted and closed a door. The next scandal with the husband because of his jealousy forced me to go to the dacha in proud loneliness., Having arrived late at night and having closed the car, I sat down on a shop near the house and began to smoke a cigarette. In general I got rid of it for a long time an addiction what actively I wished also to others, but this time the spouse crossed all borders. Having wiped a zaplakanoy face with wet towel wipes I looked upward. In the sky wasn't cloudlets, the moon shone brightly and stars were seen. There was no wish to sleep absolutely, in the head disturbing thoughts climbed that will be farther in our relationship with the husband and whether it is worth continuing them. "All right it is necessary to go to sleep" — I thought, looking for hours which showed the beginning of the fourth morning — "All day tomorrow I will oversleep", But I was mistaken. Without husband it was uncomfortable in the big ...